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Principal’s Message

Greetings and welcome to the informational page for Continuing Opportunities for Purposeful Education (C.O.P.E.) Center North. We are the Lioness Pride and indeed we are proud of our long tradition of nurturing and assisting students and their babies to become productive citizens within our society. C.O.P.E. Center North has a strong academic program for teen parents while supporting their mental and emotional needs as mothers and fathers. Thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to learn more about the wonderful opportunities offered to teen parents at C.O.P.E. Center North.



  • completed our Internal Funds and Title I Audits with NO audit exceptions
  • completed our Property Audit with no unfound property
  • passed our Sanitary Audit
  • earned the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation.
  • reached an all high percent tested on our state assessments of 100% (a C.O.P.E. Center North record breaker)
  • began offering Dual Enrollment opportunities through D.A. Dorsey to our students and opened an Early Childhood Academy where students can earn an Early Childhood certificate
  • accumulated 65 percentage points in Reading learning gains (a C.O.P.E. Center North record breaker)
  • accumulated 74 percentage points in Mathematics learning gains (a C.O.P.E. Center North record breaker)
  • began the process of cultivating our own C.O.P.E. Center North Healthy Garden
  • began the process of utilizing a Tranquility Room for all faculty, staff, and students
  • ACHIEVED COMMENDABLE (a C.O.P.E. Center North record breaker)

This year, we will continue to supersede expectations, and hold all stakeholders to the highest of expectations. At this point, we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent based on our many accomplishments. WE MUST PUSH AND EXCEL EVEN HIGHER THAN BEFORE!!! We can do this, after all, we are THE PRIDE that some said would never be commendable! WE PROVED THEM WRONG – WE DID IT!!  WE HAVE ARRIVED, and that is because of each and every one of you!


Striving for and Achieving Success via Precision

#impactvision #F.A.M.E.

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Ebony N. Dunn Signature


Ebony N. Dunn, Ed.D.

Contact Us

9950 N.W. 19th Avenue, Miami, FL 33147
(305) 836-3300
(305) 835-8818